Summer Breaks

Summer has definitely started threatening to come out around here. School is out and people are beginning to wear shorts again. It’s also that time of year when many of you are preparing for the school year ahead. In celebration of the ol’ summer vacation, we want to remind you about Canon’s discount codes. Canon offers bulk discounts as well as special discounts for homeschoolers, homeschool co-ops, churches, and schools. If you fall into one of these categories, send us an email ( with your contact info and we’ll create an online discount code for you.


Also, if you aren’t already familiar with CanonWired, we invite you to check it out. We’re making selected new and old media available “free of charge. We upload video and audio of the weekly sermons as well as various other fun clips on a regular basis. There’s always something new so check it out and tell a friend!

We hope you enjoy these summer breaks! Have any comments or suggestions? Let us know.

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