Living Well With Other People – 101

Are you still asking yourself these questions:Protocol Matters

  • How do I eat soup?
  • Why do I have to open the door for her?
  • How do I respond when introduced by somebody?
  • What’s this little fork on the right side?

Well, I have just the book for you. Protocol Matters is an easy read, packed with helpful details and answers to all those questions you have. Christian protocol [proh-tuh-kawl, -kol, -kohl] is one of God’s lovely means of grace. The everyday details of protocol /ˈproÊŠtəˌkÉ”l, -ËŒkÉ’l, -ËŒkoÊŠl/ Pronunc may seem mundane or of small importance, but their impact in a community and society is great.

Sandra Boswell wouldn’t call herself one, but she is an “expert” when it comes to social graces. I expected her to be slightly fussy, wearing white gloves and pursing her lips. I expected the conversation to be difficult as I stumbled over my words and tried to pretend I was socially graceful. Boy was I in for a nice surprise. Sandra Boswell is one of the most gracious women I have ever had the pleasure of talking to. And every time we talk my gratitude and respect for her increases.

Mrs. Boswell’s kind demeanor sets you at ease right away. She knows her P’s & Q’s (the nuts and bolts of protocol) but isn’t the least bit interested in pointing out where your alphabet is lacking. Her smile doesn’t stop short of her mouth, it travels all the way to her eyes and her courtesy is genuine.

She’s blogging. You can read her blog Protocol Matters and there’s even a page where you can ask her questions. You can read an excerpt from the book Protocol Matters and read a review of the book by Sharon I. Rideout of Christian Book

COMING SOON: Frank gets frank with Sandra Boswell in a Q&A. Check back for more details.

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