Author Update: Suzanne Rhodes

Suzanne Rhodes is the author of two Canon titles, The Roar on the Other Side, a guide for student poets, and Sketches of Home, one of our few hardback titles. Sketches is probably one of our most difficult books to give a “quick” summary of, which I promise, is a great virtue. Reading Sketches of Home is like reading someone’s diary; it’s often so personal I am amazed at Suzanne’s ability to relate the stories she shares. Suzanne isn’t afraid to revel in seemingly childish joys, and at the same time, she never veers from speaking candidly about the brokenness of life. She wears her heart on her sleeve, and it’s completely refreshing.

And so it’s very exciting to share with you that Suzanne is currently working on another book of creative prose for Canon, a sort of sequel to Sketches of Home. There’s no publication date yet, but it’s really happening. Suzanne has also recently launched a website,, which features more of her published essays and poems, her husband’s fantastic photography, as well as her new blog.

Here at Canon we feel very blessed to have Suzanne amongst our authors. She is a joy to work with and a joy to read. Thank you, Suzanne!

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