Some Kind Words

Michael Spencer (better known as Internet Monk) has written a good post about Doug Wilson. Spencer isn’t a Calvinist, but he has a great deal of respect for Wilson:

If I were a Calvinist, I’d want to be like Douglas Wilson. He’s eclectic, interesting, Jesus shaped in his discipleship and serious about the right things and not too serious about others.

Later, writing about Is Christianity Good for the World?, Spencer says:

It may not be the best atheist/Christian debate you’ll ever read, but as a short book it could be very helpful to anyone wanting to learn how to respond to the moralism of the New Atheists. It leaves you wishing a real debate would have been possible.

He also adds a few comments about A Primer on Worship and Reformation: Recovering the High Church Puritan, conceding that while Wilson’s views may not fly with the “emerging crowd,” he does correctly diagnose that “the place to rebirth and renovate a sick evangelicalism is in worship.”

The entire post is well worth reading, so do head on over.

Also, a little treat for our faithful blog readers: we finally have a completed cover for Heaven Misplaced! Check it out below:

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